
Week 1

132 Rhombic faces



Rhombic Dodecahedron

rhombic icosahedron in regular
octahedron in regular tetrahedron
in cube in rhombic dodecahedron

Rhombic Triacontahedron

Week 3

Great Rhombicuboctahedron

Rhombic Dodecahedron By Half-sphere

Rhombic Dodecahedrons in Icosahedron

Rhombohedrons in Dodecahedron

Small Rhombicuboctahedron

Square cupola

Triangular Cupola

Variations of Deltoidal Hexecontahedrons

Mimic WolframAlpha logo

Week 4

5 Cube inside Regular Dodecahedron

Dodecahedron by Icosahedron

Great Rhombicosidodecahedron

Octahedron 5-Compound

Samll Rhombicosidodecahedron

Tetrahedron 5-Compound

Week 5

Continuous Decompositions of a
Cube into Six Congruent Parts

Continuous Patterns on Dodecahedron
Projected by the Cube

Regular Dodecahedron Inside Cube

Regular Octahedron Inside Cube

The Large Regular Dodecahedron
Contain A Cube

The Large Regular Octahedron
Contain A Icosahedron

The Large Regular Tetrahedron
Contain A Icosahedron

Week 6

Cube Projected on Regular Dodecahedron

Deltoidal Hexecontahedron

Deltoidal Icositetrahedron

Shadow of a Cube Cast on Rhombic

Tetrahedron Projected on Cube

Tetrahedron Projected on Regular Tetrahedron

Week 7

Asymmetric Kaleidocycle

Inspired by Paper Folding


Kaleidocycle with Asymmetric Polyhedrons



Tight Kaleidocyle

Week 8

A Ellipse in 3-Dimensional Space

Week 9

Common Tangent Cones of Three Spheres

Two Perspetive Quadrilaterals
Having One Point in Common

Desargues' theorem

Week 10

Three-Circle Theorem on Sphere

Trajectory of projected point

Inversion of trajectory
from a sphere onto a sphere

Week 11

Steiner Porism II

Steiner Porism

3D Poncelet's Porism

Week 12

A Chain of Four Circles Each Tangent
to Two Fixed Intersection Circles

Triangle Torus and Tangent

villarceau circles 2

villarceau circles

villarceau circles-12

3D Coaxal circles

Week 13



Inversion of 4 tangent circles
on a ball

Week 14

20 Inscribed Circles of
Faces of Icosahedron Inverted

Cricles Inscribed on Faces
of Dodecahedron Inverted

Inversion of Inscribed Circles of Faces
of Great Rhombicuboctahedron

Inversion of Inscribed Circles
of Faces of Tridiminished Icosahedron

Week 15

24 Circles on the Same Plane,
Each Touching Four Others

24 tangent circles on a
transforming cube-octahedron

Inversions of Incircles of Faces of Octahedron